Friday, January 05, 2007


Rediscovering Creativity Workshop

Do you aspire to be more creative in 2007? Perhaps you can remember a
time when you had more freedom of expression. Many people have experienced
profound personal transformation through practices that combine
spirituality and creativity. This seven-week workshop will explore how to cultivate
your artistic voice and talents more fully. Through daily personal exercises
and group process we will help one another tap into our creative potential,
using Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way, as a guide for inspiration
and discipline. Sponsored by ReIMAGINE! A Center for Life Integration. We are
a collective of artists and activists that fuel initiatives to integrate
spiritual formation, creativity, community-building and social action. We
believe personal integration comes through revolutionary thought,
experiential learning and transformational relationships.

Team facilitated by Mark Scandrette and Adam Klein. Mark Scandrette is a
writer, poet and life coach (and author of the forthcoming book on
integrative spirituality called SOUL GRAFFITI ). Adam Klein is a poet,
athlete and mechanical engineer.

Wednesdays 6-8 P.M.
January 17-February 28
Location? Golden Gate Community Inc. 21st @ Shotwell.

Cost:$30 which includes a light dinner each week. (Scholarship
information available upon request) Text for the workshop will need to be purchased by
each participant.

To register email by January 12th.

For more information call 415-235-9552

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