Friday, June 15, 2007

The next Theology Salon will be at MY PLACE 3166 25th St, Garden Level Flat.
ON: Thursday, June 28th
FROM: 7-9pm

We will share some food and conversation on one of the following topics: The Myth of Community, The Struggle to Define Vocation, The New Ethos of Religion, or whatever you bring to the table.

Please let me know if you plan on attending,

Look forward to seeing you!


Monday, June 04, 2007

The Spiritual Ecology Project:
A day of conversation about the emerging church and God’s mission in our world.

WHEN : Tuesday, JUNE 12, 2007
9am - 12pm, & 12pm - 2pm

WHERE: 1040 Mariposa St. (between Pennsylvania & Mississippi)
San Francisco, CA 94107
directions and public transportation
(there is parking nearby, though you may have to search for it)

HOW MUCH: $10 donation at the door, to cover food & facility


Karen Sloan, author of Emerging & Fresh Expressions of Church
Doug Pagitt, author and pastor of Solomon’s Porch
Nathan George, Founder of Trade as One
Mark Scandrette, author of SOUL GRAFFITI: Making a Way in the Life of Jesus
Tony Jones, author and National Coordinator of Emergent Village
Barry Taylor, author and adjunct Professor of Theology and Culture, Fuller Theological Seminary
Linda Bergquist, Church Starting Strategist, adjunct Professor at Golden Gate Theological Seminary

Come early for a breakfast treat of homemade pancakes and crepes!
Breakfast served from 8:30am - 8:59am. We will begin the conversation promptly at nine o’clock.

9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Introductions & Break Out conversations

12 p.m. - 2 p.m. Lunch on your own and continuing “open source” learning facilitated by Bob Carlton

Come for all or a portion of the days festivities.

Please RSVP to Amy Ross (amy AT reimagine DOT org) , as space is quickly filling up.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Emmaus Road Presents...

The Sugarlump Theology Salon

WHEN? May 24th from 7-9 P.M.

WHERE? Sugarlump Coffee Lounge
2862 24th Street @ Bryant
San Francisco CA 94110

TOPIC: Social conditions that create the landscape for community-making

Suggested Reading:
Organic Community, by Joe Myers
Emergence, by Steven Johnson

The Sugarlump Theology Salon is a gathering of Christian theologians
and thinkers in the San Francisco Bay Area who meet in order to share
and discuss their ideas and get peer feedback from one another. In the
tradition of "The Inklings" (the literary group of C.S. Lewis's and
J.R.R. Tolkien that met in a pub for readings and criticism of their
own work) we meet in a coffee house (the San Francisco equivalent of
a pub) called the "Sugarlump Coffee Lounge".

In order to facilitate the best conversation possible it is helpful for us know how many people are coming. PLEASE R.S.V.P. to this event.

News from The Cobalt Season:

We just released a new album. And we're having 3 album release parties across the Bay. We've just confirmed our May 27th San Francisco album release party at Goat Hall in the Portrero Hill neighborhood. It's being hosted by our community here in SF called SEVEN. We're planning on starting the evening around 7pm. Entrance fee is $10 per person. You get a complimentary copy of In Search of a Unified Theory with admission! We'll have other merchandise for sale as well.

Also, Mark Scandrette and Adam Klein will be doing readings and poems as part of the evening festivities.

Please feel free to post the below e-flier on your blog or website and help us get some traffic. Thanks so much and look forward to seeing you there.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Emmaus Road Presents...

The Sugarlump Theology Salon

WHEN? April 26th at 7-9 P.M.

WHERE? Sugarlump Coffee Lounge
2862 24th Street @ Bryant
San Francisco CA 94110

TOPIC: Jesus and Empire. How does the reality of God's Kingdom influence our perspective, identity and interaction with the empires of this world? Join us as we look at the historical engagement of Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Emerging Church in Empire.

Books on the subject:
Jesus and Empire: The Kingdom of God and New World Disorder, Horsley
Resident Aliens, Hauerwas

The Sugarlump Theology Salon is a gathering of Christian theologians
and thinkers in the San Francisco Bay Area who meet in order to share
and discuss their ideas and get peer feedback from one another. In the
tradition of "The Inklings" (the literary group of C.S. Lewis's and
J.R.R. Tolkien that met in a pub for readings and criticism of their
own work) we me et in a coffee house (the San Francisco equivalent of
a pub) called the "Sugarlump Coffee Lounge".

In order to facilitate the best conversation possible it is helpful for us know how many people are coming. PLEASE R.S.V.P. to this event, by contacting Derek Flood


Mark Scandrette, Adam Klein, and Derek Flood

Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy New Year!

A quick update on Emmaus Road, a Bay Area Emergent Cohort.

In 2006 we gathered in a variety of venues to promote generative friendships
among missional Christians. We met in locations around the bay area for
meals and discussions on a variety of topics-- and in the later part of the
year a group of us committed to meeting once a month over six months for a
more intensive Peer Learning Community. In 2007 we’ve decided to try a
topical approach.

The conversation continues in 2007 with a series of theological discussions
we are calling: The Sugarlump Theology Salon

WHEN? Feb. 15 at 7-9 P.M.


Sugarlump Coffee Lounge
2862 24th Street @ Bryant
San Francisco CA 94110

TOPIC: How Mass Collaboration changes everything. Contextualizing
Ecclesiology in an era of a participatory world view and a culture of mass

DISCUSSION FACILITATOR: Dr. Linda Bergquist, adjunct professor at Golden
Gate Theological Seminary, missional strategist and lover of theology.

You can prepare for this discussion by downloading a sample chapter of the
book Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything
( and also I Corinthians 12.

Wikipedia defines salon as "a gathering of stimulating people of quality
under the roof of an inspiring hostess or host, partly to amuse one another
and partly to refine their taste and increase their knowledge through
conversation and readings."

The Sugarlump Theology Salon is a gathering of Christian theologians and
thinkers in the San Francisco Bay Area who meet in order to share and
discuss their ideas and get peer feedback from one another. In the tradition
of "The Inkling" (the literary group of C.S. Lewis's and J.R.R. Tolkien that
met in a pub for readings and criticism of their own work) we meet in a
coffee house (the San Francisco equivalent of a pub) called the "Sugarlump
Coffee Lounge".

We will determine the topic for the next monthly Salon following our initial

Please R.S.V.P. Two days prior to this event by contacting Derek Flood

Looking forward to connecting!

Mark Scandrette
Derek Flood
Dr. Linda Bergquist

Mark A. Scandrette
(415) 235-9552

Friday, January 05, 2007


Rediscovering Creativity Workshop

Do you aspire to be more creative in 2007? Perhaps you can remember a
time when you had more freedom of expression. Many people have experienced
profound personal transformation through practices that combine
spirituality and creativity. This seven-week workshop will explore how to cultivate
your artistic voice and talents more fully. Through daily personal exercises
and group process we will help one another tap into our creative potential,
using Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way, as a guide for inspiration
and discipline. Sponsored by ReIMAGINE! A Center for Life Integration. We are
a collective of artists and activists that fuel initiatives to integrate
spiritual formation, creativity, community-building and social action. We
believe personal integration comes through revolutionary thought,
experiential learning and transformational relationships.

Team facilitated by Mark Scandrette and Adam Klein. Mark Scandrette is a
writer, poet and life coach (and author of the forthcoming book on
integrative spirituality called SOUL GRAFFITI ). Adam Klein is a poet,
athlete and mechanical engineer.

Wednesdays 6-8 P.M.
January 17-February 28
Location? Golden Gate Community Inc. 21st @ Shotwell.

Cost:$30 which includes a light dinner each week. (Scholarship
information available upon request) Text for the workshop will need to be purchased by
each participant.

To register email by January 12th.

For more information call 415-235-9552